Enviz AI Lab

Forensic Analysis And Investigations Using ML

Analyse and Investigate -
Turn Video and speech into Intelligent Data

  • Conduct advanced analysis and investigation campaigns utilizing cutting-edge techniques. 

  • Generate investigative reports tailored for compliance and law enforcement purposes.


  • Perform frame-by-frame analysis to compile detailed reports on suspects, landmarks, regions, objects, and more.


  • Conduct forensic analysis of human subjects, including facial recognition, emotion detection, and gender identification.


  • Transcribe and translate speech in recorded audio streams for comprehensive analysis.


  • Employ query-based investigative tools for video, image, and forensic analysis.


  • Trigger monitoring rules and alarms based on visual frame analysis and facial/object recognition.
  • Set alarms for facial and object recognition, as well as key landmarks, logos, or text.
  • Create heatmaps based on custom alerts and alarms to monitor Point of Sale (POS) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) within workplaces. 

  • Capture and traffic density through object-based counters integrated into CCTV feeds. 

  • Aggregate multiple CCTV feeds into a single video dashboard for centralized monitoring and management.
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